Solar System Construction: Should You Prepare Your Home for It?

Energy conservation is something that most homeowners think about at least once a month. Learn tips for lowering your energy consumption.

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Energy conservation is something that most homeowners think about at least once a month. When your utility bill comes, do you think about what you could have done to decrease your usage for that month? Do you wonder how it is possible to have used as much electricity or gas that month to cause your bill to rise to a ghastly amount? I know that during the winter months I will have electric bills that are four times more than the summer bills. This has caused me to learn all about conserving electricity in my home. Find out what I have learned here on my blog.


Solar System Construction: Should You Prepare Your Home for It?

17 March 2022
, Blog

If you plan to install a solar system on your roof, you may not think to prepare your home for it beforehand. However, it may be a good idea to prepare your home for your system. The right preparations can make it easier for your solar system to work properly. Below are things you want to consider before you install your new solar system.

Trees and Other Sources of Shade

Solar systems receive most of their energy from the sun. However, trees and other obstructions that create shade during the day can prevent sunlight from reaching your new solar system. If your solar system's cells or panels don't receive enough sunlight, they won't last long enough during the night to power up your home.

A solar system construction company can inspect your property for anything that blocks sunlight, including towering trees. If trees overhang your home, a company will make plans to remove them. The plans may include hiring outside landscapers to remove the obstructions. If you don't wish to remove your trees, you can trim the branches and limbs instead.

Trees and other shady obstructions aren't the only issues you may need to address before your insulation. You also want to check your roof for issues.

Roof Stability and Other Structural Issues

Your home's roof may be able to support your solar system for many years. If the surface of your roof lacks integrity, it may not support your solar panels and cells properly. Your solar system could become unbalanced on the roof or prone to damage during the year.

Solar panels should also be light enough to sit on your roof safely. If the panels are too bulky or heavy for your roof, they can damage your roof and vice versa. You may need to repair your roof and solar system in the future. 

A solar system construction company can examine your roof for anything that may hinder or damage your solar system, including leaking shingles and jutting roofing pipes. If a solar energy company finds issues with the roof, they may obtain a third-party roofing company to repair them. Some solar energy companies specialize in roofing to save their customers money on repairs. Don't be afraid to ask a company for assistance with your roof.

If you need to prepare your home or roof for your new solar energy panels, consult a construction or energy company such as Evergreen Renewables.